Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hilter essays

Hilter essays The Reichstag Fire was a factor in establishing Hitlers dictatorship but there are also two other factors, which was the eliminating of SA and using his new position as the Fuhrer, had enabled him become an absolute dictator. When a fire broke out in Reichstag, Hitler seized the opportunity to fan fears that a communist revolution was about to break out. He accused the communist of planning an uprising and pressured the president to issue an emergency degree to protect the people and state. He suspended sections of the constitution granting personal and civil liberties and arrested several thousands of communist. The Reichstag fire enabled him to remove the communist and not be threaten by them. Hitler then asked the Reichstag to pass the Enabling act that granted him exclusive power for 4 years. As it allowed Hitler to introduce laws without the approval of the Reichstag, ignore the constitution and cooperate with foreign power, he have complete control of the fate of Germany and the people. Hitler needed the Germany army to have total control of Germany. Leading officers in the army was however suspicious of Hitlers SA, who was viewed as ill disciplined hooligans. Furthermore, SA had become powerful and wanted to replace the national army. It leader Rohm constantly brought this up both in private and in public. Firmly in power, Hitler valued the army more than the SA as the former was a disciplined force that can achieve his dream of conquest. The SA with its gangster tactics, violence and arbitrary arrest was becoming an increasing great embarrassment for Hitler. To get the support from the army and the industrialists and remove the fear of opposition of the SA, Hitler executed the SA leaders and the others who opposed him in a night of long knives. Hitler had remove threat of opponents and the obstacle to power through the eliminating of the SA and gaining greater support from the army. ...

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